Hochschulgruppe SWING an der TU Ilmenau e.V.
The “SWING (Studenten des Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens) an der TU Ilmenau e.V.” is a non-profit association, which pursues charitable purposes since 1994 in order to foster and prepare all students at the Ilmenau University of Technology for their later career. The association is providing students with a platform to implement projects with the University, companies and other students. Through access to the networks of the Association of German Industrial Engineers (VWI e.V.) and ESTIEM numerous contacts can be made.
Currently consisting of 170 members, the SWING organises numerous events like workshops, company excursions, seminars and team building events. The biggest project of the Local Group is the contact fair inova, which attracts more than 180 companies and nothing less than 5000 students every year.
German - as well as English-language case study competitions are of significant importance. The association has already proven their experience in the past years by successfully organising several Local Qualifications and one of the Semi Finals in the years 2012, 2014 and 2015.
Further information about the organisation can be found at swing-ev.de